Hi, I am

Susan Chang
Piano Teacher in Toronto
Aspiring Front-End Developer, Zero-Waste Living Enthusiast

Contact Me


I am on a mission to create websites that fulfill all your needs
Work with me !


My Weather App

Weather App


nurtures and awakens the musician in your child

Music and Movement classes for babies and children

Your child deserves
the best in music education

piano classes for children

Piano Classes for Children age 6 and above

The art of music and piano playing is one of the greatest gift for humanity

DIY Zero-Waste

What do you do to cut down waste in your daily lives?
How about keeping some worms? And turn your kitchen scraps into fertile soil for your vegetable garden and potted plants. !

 Hot Frog worm bin


is as easy as ABC and a lot of fun!
Follow my adventure in unboxing and setting up a Hot Frog worm bin